Antarctic and its wild creatures, all in dramatic action sequences.... from penguins and seals to whales and birds. Not only great action, a compelling highly topical storyline: The many real threats to this pristine paradise and its wildlife....
Antarctica is considered one of the biggest mysteries on Earth. Ice, glaciers, snow, polar bears, mountains, secret bases, dangerous wilderness-the list goes on and on when we’re talking about the most southern continent in the world. Environment...
Currently, the continent only hosts a temporary transient population of scientists and support staff. Antarctica is the only continent on Earth without indigenous human inhabitants. Environment Adventure Downloads
Across the country, our class stands 7.5 million strong. And in unity, we’re giving 2020 political candidates a choice: Have a plan to get to zero emissions, or get zero of our votes. Together, we have the power to solve the climate crisis....
The Peoples Climate Movement uses two key strategies to demand bold action on climate change: mass mobilization and movement alignment. By mobilizing massive numbers of people on the ground; finding alignment with partners under the banner...
Polar Bears International ensures a future for polar bears across the Arctic. Learn how the polar bear deals with life. Keep up with our latest articles featuring new research, stories, and content about polar bears. Read More National Parks ...
Short animated film aimed to educate the younger generation about the importance of doing the small things in order to look after our planet. You are free to download and share our list of learning activities. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Activity...
The World Database on Protected Areas for the World Commission on Protected Areas focal points. protectedplanet.netYou are free to download and share our list of learning activities. Internet Safety Activity Downloads