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  4. LibriVox Public Domain Audiobook Recordings

LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then release the audio files back onto the net for free. All audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish.

LibriVox recordings are Public Domain in the USA. If you are not in the USA, please verify the copyright status of these works in your own country before downloading, otherwise you may be violating copyright laws.

Volunteering for LibriVox is easy and does not require any experience with recording or audio engineering or acting or public speaking. All you need is a computer, a microphone, some free recording software, and your own voice.

Visit LibriVox to download free public domain audiobooks

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LibriVox Objective

To make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet

Fundamental Principles

  • Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project
  • Librivox donates its recordings to the public domain
  • Librivox is powered by volunteers
  • Librivox maintains a loose and open structure
  • Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages
